
Compelling Questions

As a celebration to the amazing group of coaches in our practice, I am dedicating this month’s blog posts & newsletter to coaching. I’ve learned the value of coaching from personal experience – and am intentional about having coaches support me in my business and personal growth. I’ve seen the difference great coaching can make – in both personal and organizational performance.

I encourage you to subscribe to our blog & newsletter – and also to consider if one of our coaches might be just the thing you need to take your performance to the next level.


The hallmark of a great coach is the ability to ask questions. Not just any questions… but insightful, thought provoking, no judgment attached, open your mind and speak your truth questions. Once they’ve done this they listen – and ask another question – and then listen – and ask again.

The questions are ones that you ponder and review and come back to – often well beyond the coaching session. At times, they bring to the forefront something hidden that you were unable to see. At times, they make speakable the thing that has been unspeakable.

Asking compelling questions is an art – especially in the dialogue of a coaching session. Every artist needs some tools – so here is a list of questions you can use or build on:

  • What is right about your world currently?
  • Where do you experience your best energy?
  • If you could change one thing about your current situation, what would it be?
  • What does an ideal solution to this problem look like?
  • What is your greatest fear right now?
  • What is your greatest hope right now?
  • Who else is involved in this situation? How might they see things?
  • What is one small step you can take to move forward?
  • What have you learned from similar situations in the past?
  • What is holding you back from taking action?
Evergreen Leadership