
Lessons in Transition from the Super Bowl Half Time Show

I admit it. I can be a geek sometimes. While millions of people across the globe watched the half time show for the performance (or perhaps to see if there would be another wardrobe malfunction), I experience a sense of awe and wonder at the spectacle and the amazing accomplishment of transforming a football field and stadium into the world’s largest live stage.

Think about it. In a mere 8 minutes the field must be transformed. And most of the work is done by volunteers. Oh, and by the way, volunteers who have not had much time to practice.

Just my short list of production elements that must be envisioned, coordinated, planned for and executed includes:

  • Stage
  • Lighting
  • Video
  • Sound
  • Musicians
  • Dancers
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Cameras
  • Special effects
  • Lasers
  • Costumes
  • Audience participation

It struck me that, in many ways, it was like most transformations:

  • Long in the making
  • Requiring much planning and hard work
  • Best when done with creativity and vision
  • Can come together rather quickly in the end
  • Often appears rather effortless to those not involved

And no sooner have you basked in the glory of the transformation, another challenge calls you.

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Evergreen Leadership