
The Power of Story

We all tell stories. We tell them about our work, our family, our health, our life history, and our future dreams.

Groups tell stories too. These are stories about how they came into being, what it means to be a part of the group, and what the future looks like.

At times we tell these stories out loud, yet most of the time our stories are internal scripts that are never said out loud. One story may be, “I’ll never be successful,” while another may be, “My family is the most important thing in my life.” A story may be, “Work sucks,” or, “I’m on top of my game.”

They are powerful scripts that shape what we do and how we do it. They provide context, direction and a framework for our lives, personally and professionally. These stories may be fact or fiction. They may empower us or cripple us. And because most of them are internal and unconscious, they can guide us in ways that are not healthy.

In the Power of Story: Rewrite Your Destiny in Business and Life, Jim Loeher explores this concept and helps readers create new, reality-based stories that can help you get clear about how to create a true story about your personal and professional life – and to use those new stories in helpful ways.


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Evergreen Leadership