
What To Shed

Part of transformation is leaving something behind. Otherwise you have not truly changed – you are only carrying a bigger backpack. The question is what to shed. What can you do without in order to have more of what really matters. It may be more time, more money, more enjoyment or more satisfaction. That most likely will involve less of something.

Here is a list for starters:

  • What work are you doing that doesn’t really matter to your customers? To you?
  • What can you delegate?
  • What can you stop doing, which won’t really matter?
  • What can you do less of or with less effort and still get similar results?
  • What relationships do you need to sever? Cut back on?
  • What groups or committees or tasks forces are you only giving lip service to?
  • What beliefs do you need to let go of?
  • What thought patterns slow you down?
  • How many of your belongings could you move out of your life and reap the benefit?
  • What time wasters could you eliminate?
  • What in your day is high maintenance and low payback?

Tell us what you’ve eliminated from your life to make more for what really matters.


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Evergreen Leadership