
Zone of Discomfort

As a celebration to the amazing group of coaches in our practice, I am dedicating this month’s blog posts & newsletter to coaching. I’ve learned the value of coaching from personal experience – and am intentional about having coaches support me in my business and personal growth. I’ve seen the difference great coaching can make – in both personal and organizational performance.

I encourage you to subscribe to our blog & newsletter – and also to consider if one of our coaches might be just the thing you need to take your performance to the next level.


I recently had one of the leaders I coach push me right into my zone of discomfort. This person knew of my goal to complete a sprint triathlon and gently pushed me toward signing up for an upcoming one in our local area. And gently pushed again. And asked one more time if I was going to do it.

My internal dialogue was quite interesting in this process. My first resistance point was that I had a plan – and that this was not in it. Then my excuse was that I was not ready – even though this would have been good practice. My final excuse, the only one that was valid, was that we would be out to town on this date attending my niece’s wedding.

This interaction caused me to pause. This person had done to me what I do all the time to my coaching clients. This process helped me understand more deeply and personally about the internal resistance that comes from going to a place that is uncomfortable. I better see the impact of my mental models on my actions (or in this case, my inaction). And I more fully understand the value of having someone that relentlessly both pushes you and supports you as you step into your zone of discomfort.

More to explore

Evergreen Leadership