
How to Resolve 5 Common Work Challenges

I’m certain that I am not the only person who sometimes struggles with:

  1. Dealing with a difficult person
  2. Getting stuck in a project
  3. Dealing with an unreasonable boss or client
  4. Feeling as if my life is out of balance
  5. Feeling uninspired or unhappy in my current career or job

Times you are struggling with these challenges are wonderful times to engage a coach. I coach others and see the results. I have coaches and both feel and see the results.

Yet there are times when I’m facing a tough situation – and a coach is not available. When that happens, I’ve honed a process to “coach myself” through the situation. I’ll share the process and the questions I ask myself in those specific situations.

The Process

When you need to work through one of these situations solo, find a quiet place where you can work and reflect without disruption for 45 minutes to an hour. Take along the question set, a notebook and your favorite writing implement. Quiet music inspires some and distracts others – your call on that!

When you get to your “quiet place” take a few minutes to quiet your mind and get some focus. Breathe deeply and notice your breath going in and out. Be mindful of any emotions and feelings that are coloring your thoughts. Try to release those feelings and emotions and get to a calm, centered, quiet place.

Read through all the questions and then tackle them in order. Write your responses – without concern about proper grammar and perfect handwriting. Just get your main ideas down. Pause at what you discover from one question before moving on to the next.

Each question set ends with an action step. Be certain to note what you plan on doing – and make a commitment to yourself to take that one next step.

Dealing with a Difficult Person

  1. What is it (specifically) about this individual that makes our relationship difficult?
  2. What do I know for sure? What am I speculating or assigning motive to?
  3. What is my role in this situation? How am I contributing to the breakdown?
  4. What would I like this relationship to be like?
  5. What is one next step I could take to move the relationship forward?

Getting Stuck in a Project

  1. What progress has already been made?
  2. What contributed to that progress?
  3. What am I finding difficult about this project?
  4. What other times in my life have I faced something similar? What did I do then to resolve it?
  5. What are the implications of not completing the project?
  6. What are the results I should see if the project moves forward?
  7. What is one next step I could take to move the project forward?

Dealing with an Unreasonable Boss

  1. What is it (specifically) about this person that I find difficult to deal with?
  2. Do others have a similar experience or is this unique to me?
  3. What have been my responses to demands I see as unreasonable from my boss? What has been effective? What responses have not been effective? What other responses might I try?
  4. Have I discussed my concerns with my boss?
  5. What other options do I have?
  6. What is my highest intention for this job? My relationship with my boss? My career?
  7. What is one next step I could take to move into a healthier place?

Feeling as if Your Life is out of Balance

  1. What words would you use to describe your current situation? How does it feel to be living your life right now?
  2. What do you have too much of in your life right now? Too little of?
  3. What are you doing on a regular basis to take care of your physical self? Your emotional / social self? Your spiritual self? Your creative / intellectual self?
  4. Our lives are very seldom in balance 100% of the time. Is this a temporary situation or one that is longer lasting?
  5. What does “in balance” look like for you?
  6. When What can you shed that is not serving you well?
  7. What do you need to add that can enable you to regain a sense of balance?
  8. What one thing can you do today to move you forward?

Feeling Uninspired or Unhappy in your Current Career or Job

  1. Describe the elements of an ideal career or job for you.
  2. Make a list of 5 times when you felt the happiest and most fulfilled. This might be a job, a volunteer assignment, or school project. What are the common themes you see?
  3. What’s working for you in your current job?
  4. What makes your current situation less than you hope for?
  5. Is there a way to enhance or improve your current job to make it a better fit for you?
  6. Brainstorm a list of at least 10 actions you could take to improve your current situation.
  7. Pick one item from your list – and commit to doing it within the next week.

More to explore

One Response

  1. This is excellent! I have always found writing to be a very good vehicle for insight. However, sometimes when struck with a particularly difficult problem – as each of these are – I come to the blank-page syndrome. I know that writing will help be solve the problem but I don’t know where to start. Having a structured approach to these is a great resource. I’ve already forwarded this to a colleague who is grappling with one of these situations right now. Thank you very much.

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