

A basic tenet of our Evergreen Leadership Approach is the concept of “shedding”. If you feel your load is heavy, here are suggestions on some things you might shed.

You might consider shedding:

  1. The belief that you should have all the answers
  2. The belief that you must do it all
  3. Work that adds little or no value to your customers
  4. Work that you are not good at, but others on your team would relish
  5. The time you spend in gossip and negativity
  6. The obsession for perfection in all you do
  7. The fear of trying something new
  8. Time spent on improving your areas of weaknesses
  9. Thinking that more is better
  10. Over-reliance on other people’s points of view
  11. One habit that robs you of time, health or vitality
  12. Your hesitation to ask for help
  13. The notion that you don’t have time to take care of yourself
  14. Old files, half finished projects, and clutter
  15. High maintenance customers that divert you from your ideal clients

Add to the shed list. What have you shed to lighten your load? What would you like to shed?

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Evergreen Leadership