
Business Book For the Undecided – Or Those Pressed For Time

This summer, I found the book, The Best Business Books Ever: The Most Influential Management Books You’ll Never Have Time To Read. It provides pithy 2 page summaries of the 130 most influential business books. The summaries make CliffsNotes look like encyclopedias!

But the range of books and authors is impressive – from classics like Drucker and Adam Smith to more contemporary like Malcom Gladwell and Thomas Friedman.

I like it for three reasons:

  • It gives me a memory jolt for those books I’ve read
  • It gives me a preview for books I think I might want to read – so that I can make a good decision about to invest my time (or not)
  • It enables me to get to the essence of a book that I might never tackle

What books would you place on the “Most Influential Business Book” list?

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