
Three of the Most Powerful Words

They are DO / HAVE / BE.

At the beginning of the day, I often ask myself what I want to “do, have and be” in that day.

To set the tone for a group session, I’ll ask the group what they would like to “do, have and be” in our time together.

When doing long term planning, for myself or others, I ask, “In the next 3 years, what would we like to do, have and be?”

Try it and see what happens! My experience is that it shifts my focus from a “to do” list of discrete tasks into an intention to do the things that create longer term value. I find that intangible things top tangible ones on my “have” list – things like having fun, having a positive impact, having peace of mind. And the “be” list is how I want to show up – and emanates from my deepest core values.

More to explore

One Response

  1. Your posting today is timely in perhaps an unexpected way. I facilitate a small group at our church. We decided yesterday that our next topic will be “Bucket Lists” – that which we each want to do…well now I would have to say do/have/be…before we die. It opens up the thought process in new ways.

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Evergreen Leadership