
Why Leaders Get the Big Bucks

The hard truth is, that leaders wrestle with tough dilemmas, in some form or fashion, every day. Every once in a while the decision is easy; more likely, they are ones for which there is no one right answer. These are the decisions that don’t get easier, that keep them up at night and weigh on their minds.

Short vs. Long Term
Spend or invest? Provide stockholders a return or add capability to generate future income? Patch up the equipment or buy new? Meet your quarterly forecast or invest in your people?

Individual vs. Community
Allow your top performers to get more (money, developmental opportunities) or give a smaller amount to all? Enable one person job flexibility that is not available to all? Enforce the rules equally or make exceptions on occasions? Terminate 50 to save 500?

Truth vs. Loyalty
Hold your tongue or throw someone under the bus? Go along or blow the whistle? Have someone’s back or be a snitch? Speak the truth or hurt someone’s feelings or career?

Justice vs. Mercy
Do what is right or what is prescribed? Follow the rules or make exceptions? Forgive or punish?

It’s when answering these dilemmas gets easy that they should be cautious – as it is an indicator of either not caring or not thinking. Either one is more problematic than wrestling to come up with the best possible answer to a tough situation.

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Evergreen Leadership