
What a Leader is NOT

Actions speak louder than words… but these words all describe actions that you would never see a true leader do:

  1. Blame others
  2. Whine and complain
  3. Lay low or hide
  4. Make excuses
  5. Give up when the going gets hard
  6. Demean or belittle others
  7. Be complacent
  8. Hog the spotlight
  9. Gossip
  10. Do what is easy versus what is right

More to explore

2 Responses

  1. Excellent article, Kris !

    I enjoyed reading this ! Well written and well done !

    All the best,

  2. Well said, Kris. One of my favorite is “leaders don’t whitewash or lie about issues.” Leaders need to be able to speak the unvarnished truth. Some may considerer this as whining, complaining or gossiping but without the truth there little chance of a team becoming successful.

    The book 5 Dysfunctions of a Team clearly articulates the need for truth in the workplace.

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Evergreen Leadership