
Eat, Pray, Love

If you know the book or movie about Elizabeth Gilbert’s year long journey – you know that she went to Italy to eat, to India to pray and then to Indonesia to love. I’m doing my own version – albeit shorter.

My version is 2 weeks and not 52. I’m foregoing the eating in Italy and the love in Indonesia – although both are compelling and interesting. I am heading to India with a group of women through a program called Cultural Connections: Women Weaving Worlds led by Deanna Brown.  We’ll experience the culture “off the beaten path” and work to create cross cultural awareness with a focus on the shared community of women. We’ll spend a significant part of our time at Blue Mango, whose mission is “to run a sustainable business by and for marginalized women who are disabled, deserted, widowed or living with AIDS. We offer a supportive infrastructure which enables women to gain financial stability and self-reliance. We hope that because of Blue Mango, those who are stigmatized will find greater respect and support from their larger communities.”

So for the next few weeks, my love of travel and learning will be combined with my passion for entrepreneurship, social justice, positive change, and empowering women. I’ll blog along the way – and take lots of pictures to share, just not sure when they’ll be posted. So I’m going “off line” for a few weeks – but will return with fresh insights and stories to share.

More to explore

9 Responses

  1. What an incredible trip you have planned! I look forward to your insight and stories upon your return!

  2. Does Blue Mango have a program for investing like Kiva?
    Congratulation on having the courage and faith to take this big step.
    Prayers are with you.

  3. Very cool. Thank you for your contributions to the world – near and far. Have an amazing adventure and I’ll look forward to hearing about it.

  4. Have a safe trip! We’ll do lunch when you get back and you can tell me all about it.

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