
Top Ten Books for Self Development

I often get asked what books I recommend for certain topics; so in this series, I’ll share my top 10 recommendations for books on: Organizational Change, Self Development, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship. I’ve culled through hundreds of books and selected those that I refer to over and over and over again. These are the ones that are dog-eared, stuffed with notes and Post-its.

My hope is that you’ll share the titles of the books that inspire and inform you… as it is not too late to put then on my wish list for Santa.


I have always been on a quest to be my best self. I truly believe in inside-out transformation.  I’ve experienced, over and over and over again, that the quality of my life and my ability to make a difference begins with my own mindset, my physical and mental health and stamina, and my ability to search, reflect and grow. As such, this is a very eclectic list… in no particular order… so I’m curious to see what books you would add to this list.

Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach

 This is a book of daily readings; most less than a page. Organized by month and theme, they walk you through, step by step a transformation of the soul. This book has been by my bedside since 1998 – and I’ve bought untold copies to share with friends. To say that it has had a positive effect on my life is an understatement. Sarah focuses on six underlying principles: joy, harmony, simplicity, gratitude, beauty, and order. It does not need to be January 1st to start this book – start where you are, go through the year, repeat, repeat, repeat……and reap the benefits

Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominquez

I don’t know about you – but my relationship with money, no matter if I am broke or flush with cash, is fraught with angst and emotion. We want to believe that money is a rational means of transaction for goods and services; instead it holds powerful messages about how we see ourselves, our work and our place in the world. Vicki and Joe demystify money with a 9 step process that helped me come to terms with money, how to make it, how to manage it and how to think about it.

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

Although the Tao is only 5000 words, you’ll need to find a translation and explanation – and there are many. Lao Tzu wrote these words about being in harmony with others, oneself, and the environment. Although written 2500 years ago, the 81 verses are even more relevant today. Always a source of inspiration for me – I find the verses deep, insightful and a guide to today’s complexity and paradox.

The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz.

My copy of this book is dog-eared, underlined, and tagged with about 30 Post-its. Loehr applies what he has learned through research and coaching top end athletes on how to manage energy. His premise is that we all have the same amount of time; it is energy that differentiates high performers. He provides practical actions one can take to increase energy at four levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. And had I made a list of more than 10 books – Loehr’s book The Power of Story would have made the cut.

Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel

A compelling read about resiliency, hope and purpose in the midst of unspeakable horrors and atrocities. Frankel survived the Nazi death camps and then developed a new approach to psychotherapy. His survival depended on finding a source of meaning – and provides us a window into how we might do the same.

I Will Not Die  an Unlived Life: Reclaiming Purpose and Passion by Dawna Markova

Amazingly well written, Dawna shares her personal story for those (in her words) who insist on breaking free of their previous history, who wish to love the life they live, live a life they can love and who are committed to serving the best of what can be possible. Need I say more….

The 4 Hour Work Week: Escape the 9 to 5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferrris

I like books that force me to see things through a new lens – and Ferris does just that. His ideas challenge my worldview in many ways – but also help me unearth some of the unspoken and unconscious beliefs about time, work and life – and hence allows me to reexamine them and chose to either claim them or shift them. Tim pushes lots of my “buttons” – but also forces me to fore-go work for the sake of work and greatly improve my time management skills.

The Call, The Dance, The Invitation and What We Ache For by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Okay – so that may be cheating since I snuck 4 books into one of my picks. Bottom line is that Oriah’s books speak to me. Each book has a wonderful poem as the centerpiece, with Oriah then taking each stanza for a deeper dive into their meaning through her personal experiences. These have been on my night stand for 15 years – and have been read and reread countless times.

Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Proof that good things come in little packages. Anne’s meditations on life, aging, love, solitude, peace and contentment, based on the beach and the shells found there are insightful, inspiring and thought provoking. This book is a gift and a gift that keeps on giving.

As promised, a very eclectic list… and I’m curious now. What books inspire you to be your best? Give you hope? Show you the way? Take you deep into yourself? Pray tell!

One Response

  1. Below are books I love ~~ but mostly it is the authors ~~ I will read anything they have in print ~~
    Brene Brown ~~ I Thought It Was Just Me ~~ The Gifts of Imperfection ~~ Daring Greatly
    Julia Cameron ~~ Transitions
    Eckhart Tolle ~~ The Power of Now ~~ Stillness Speaks
    Byron Katie ~~ Loving What Is
    Martha Beck ~~ Finding Your North Star ~~ Steering by Starlight
    Dominique Browning ~~ Around the House and in the Garden
    Joan Anderson ~~ A Year by the Sea
    John Powell ~~ Through Seasons of the Heart
    Gail McMeekin (editor) ~~ The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women
    Sonia Choquette ~~ The Answer Is Simple…Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit
    Anne Lamott ~~ Bird by Bird
    Tara Brach ~~ Radical Acceptance
    Brad Meltzer ~~ Heroes for My Daughter
    Rita Dove (editor) ~~ The Penquin Anthology of 20th Century American Poetry
    Garrison Keillor (editor) ~~ Good Poems

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