
Five Gifts the Holiday Season Brings Us All

Christmas – Solstice – Hanukkah – Kwanza – Boxing Day – New Year’s

No matter you faith or holiday tradition, December and early January are a time of revelry and feasting around the globe, as well as a time of reflection, peace and generosity. As a person who looks more for what we have in common than what divides us, I see five themes that are entwined around these different celebrations. And each is a precious gift.

  1. LIGHT
    It is not happenstance that all these holidays fall in and around the day of the year with the most darkness and when daylight hours are fleeting. To counteract the gloom, lights spring up everywhere – inside and out – making this period of darkness festive and less foreboding. The stories of the holidays reveal light as well –the oil that lasts and lasts in the temple. The star above the manger.  And let’s not forget the inner light that people can bring – with hope, love and miracles.
    It is a season of giving – in so many ways. Presents under trees, in stockings or wooden shoes, coins in the red buckets of the Salvation Army, good wishes in cards and greetings. It is the one time was ask what we can give versus what we can take or what we see as our due.  In spite of the retail hijacking of our generosity to sell more “stuff” – it continues to be a season of giving.
  3. HOPE
    In this time, we are inspired by the stories we hear, some that are ancient and others happening real time. The baby that came to save the world. The Jew’s deliverance from persecution. The one individual who reaches out to save another.  The belief that darkness (real and metaphorical) can be overcome. And as the New Year approaches, we reflect on what we desire in the coming twelve months. Perhaps better health, more prosperity, less grief or sadness – and resolve to do a few things differently in the coming year.
    There is both an outer and inner transformation at this time. The outer transformation chases away the dark, dreary and barren landscape as we decorate, string lights, deck the halls and raise the tree. Strangers greet with a warmth not felt other times of the year.At the same time, internal transformations occur and are celebrated. Ebenezer Scrooge wakes up a new man, suddenly generous as opposed to miserly and miserable. Families let go of pasts hurts and reunite. There are stories of kind deeds by strangers that create mini miracles.  It is the magic of transformation that gives these holidays their luster.
  5. PEACE
    Being raised in the Christin tradition, Christmas Eve is perhaps my favorite – the collective sigh when guns are put down for a day, there is god will across the globe. On a personal level, it is finally the time to let go of the frenzied preparations and to settle in with friends and family and tradition. After all the busyness of decorating and baking and parties and wrapping – there is a pause, a quiet, a stillness. Across the globe, the world seems to pause for a bit – and show its better face. The war zone is transformed into a state of temporary peace.  Military operations cease temporarily. Goodwill replaces death and destruction as the leading story.

So, at this time of year, as you pause, cease your paid labor, gather with friends and family, take a moment to reflect on the messages that this time of year and all its trappings sends to you. I send my best wishes to each of you – for a holiday season and perhaps a lifetime filled with light, generosity, hope, transformation and peace. Blessings to all!

Evergreen Leadership