
5 Things You Can Do to Become a More Agile Learner

Learning and learning fast is imperative today. Your ability to push past your comfort zone, acquire new skills, explore different ways of thinking, a willingness to learn from the old and move on to the new will define your success today.

But how does one do that? Today I’ll share five strategies you can use to increase your learning agility.

  1. Stretch yourself
  2. Be OK with less than perfect
  3. Get feedback
  4. Reflect frequently
  5. Shed what is getting in the way

Let’s look at each of them in a bit more detail.

  1. STRETCH YOURSELF – and in a number of situations. Learning agility goes well beyond mental or intellectual horsepower. Consider stretching yourself socially by joining new groups or relating to folks that are NOT like you. Travel somewhere very different and stretch yourself culturally. Try being more vulnerable and stretch your emotional comfort zone. Read something outside your normal fare. Go to a lecture, a movie or a festival that pushes your comfort boundaries. Create something – anything. Take on a project at work or in the community that stretches your leadership or management abilities. The possibilities are endless. Pick one and only one to start with, so that you don’t become overwhelmed. But stretching is a muscle – and the more you exercise it – the stronger you become and the easier it is.
  2. BE OK WITH LESS THAN PERFECT – Remember that our comfort zone is defined in our head. And that the boundaries we have drawn are designed to either keep us looking good or at least not to look foolish. Remind yourself often that all first attempts at something new are awkward, less than elegant and only first steps to proficiency. Notice that you are really the only person fixated on you – most everyone else is fixated on themselves. Tally up the true consequences of a misstep or flawed attempt – and weigh that against the cost of being stuck in only doing what you do well. I think you’ll discover the risks are much less than you imagined, that you’ll stumble and recover. You may also find that the risk of stagnation is far more dire than any risk associated with growth.
  3. GET FEEDBACK – The surest path to improving your proficiency quickly is to get immediate and constructive feedback from a trusted and knowledgeable source. Seek out teachers, mentors, friends, co-workers, bosses, and peers that can both share what you are doing well and not so well and how to do things differently. If it is a technical skill – find an experienced instructor. If it is an interpersonal skill – look to a trusted friend or peer. Then ask for feedback, listen carefully and non-defensively, and thank them for their gift.
  4. REFLECT FREQUENTLY – Pausing to reflect, think, and readjust is the one of the most powerful things we can do to improve our performance, our mood, and our self-awareness. It costs nothing other than time, yet we rarely take advantage of this strategy. It doesn’t take much time (try 10 minutes), but it does take intention and practice. There are many ways to do this. It might be quiet time in a comfortable space, it might be reflecting in writing, it might be yoga or meditation, it might be a quiet walk or run, it might be any number of other ways that enables your mind to settle and think. Find what works for you and repeat daily!
  5. SHED WHAT IS GETTING IN THE WAY – Too often it is not the act of learning something new, but holding on to something old that is the biggest thing that holds us back. At times, this old stuff just precludes us from trying something new; at other times it cements us in unproductive thoughts and actions that sabotage us. A quick example – we had a good friend who lost a very specialized job that paid quite well. He clung to the notion that with new opportunities he should be paid equally well, in spite of the fact that his technical skills were not transferable. He turned down many opportunities at a slightly lower pay rate but with upward potential. He was so stuck in his belief about pay that he never did take another job, missing out on the opportunity to earn more over the long haul. Today he is bitter and struggling on a partial retirement – all for the sake of failing to shed his belief about what he “should” be paid. So – when you find yourself resisting or defensive or stalling – ask yourself if there is something else at work. Are there ideas, attitudes or beliefs that you must give up to move forward?

So I’m curious. What can you do to stretch a bit – even if it is just a starting point? Share your thoughts – and inspire others to do the same.

Evergreen Leadership