
Simplify and Focus

My Dad used to observe that I could squeeze more into one day that anyone he knew.  And he was right. There was a plan, executable down to 15 minute increments. The pace was fast and unrelenting. Work – kids – exercise – community work – school – church – cooking – cleaning – errands. The day was a blur, but boy oh boy, could I get a lot of things done! At least on some days. However, on most days, the long task list overwhelmed me, and by Friday evening it was all I could do to order in pizza and collapse on the couch.

I suspect I’m not alone. Make no doubt about it – if you live and work in the western world, you are surrounded by abundance. There are things to do, meals to eat, opportunities to pursue, people to meet, and work to be done. And the media is unrelenting in urging us to consume more – and implies that more is the ultimate measure of success. Faster, thinner, richer, more connected, more powerful – all the signs of success.

Factor in our hyper-connectedness (think unrelenting email and social media) and the fast pace of change, and it is far too easy to get swept into the notion that one could do it all, have it all, if we were just smarter, better managers of our time, more efficient, or more productive.

Over the last few years, I’ve worked hard at simplifying and taking time to breathe. And it’s worked, a bit at a time. Not always perfectly but better. Less on the to-do list. More focus on what’s really important. More mindful consumption and more time spent on things that really matter in the end.

How I wish Greg McKeown’s book,  Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, was available 10 years ago. It provides a great guide on how to move from being buffeted from the trivial many to living in the essential few. The image on his book cover looks like this; which is a perfect image for the process he walks you through:

Cover of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

I’d do McKeown’s work an injustice to try to summarize it in a short post, but I’ll share a few questions posed that will help you simplify and focus:

  • Do you honor the fact that you live in choice – and consciously make choices that reflect that which is most important to you?
  • Have you identified the few things that really matter to you?
  • Are you willing (and able) to make trade-offs, moving from attempting to “do it all” to “doing what really matters”?
  • Have you established criteria for what you choose to do, enabling you to say NO to anything other than what is essential to you and your priorities?
  • Do you have time in your life where you are not connected? Do you have time for sleep? For play?
  • Do you have a “buffer” – a planned time for the things that invariably take longer, run over or don’t go as planned?
  • Are you willing to subtract things from your life to simplify it – which can include things, routines, people, or activities?

McKeown provides a great roadmap for HOW to do all this – and moves from deeply meaningful (What is my purpose in this world?) to highly practical (How do I get enough sleep?).

I suspect that many of my readers also know a thing or two about how to bring order, simplicity and focus into their lives. Please share what you do – for the benefit of us all.

Evergreen Leadership