
Evergreen Leadership’s 2016 Community Builders Retreat

When the 2016 Community Builders were packing their bags for Evergreen Leadership’s Connect & Create Retreat, they knew two things.

1.) They had been nominated and chosen as one of Evergreen Leadership’s 2016 Community Builders Award winners. 2.) They were heading to Wooded Glen Conference Center to meet their fellow award recipients at a 24-hour retreat filled with the promise of building relationships and developing leadership skills.


What the Community Builders found in the rolling hills of Henryville, IN left them excited, inspired, and renewed.

“The Connect & Create retreat was an incredible space to network with other emerging leaders, pause to consider the creative components of leadership and receive from [Evergreen Leadership’s founder] Kris Taylor’s expertise,” said Community Builder Kristin Fuller.

CB7The retreat began on July 15 when the Community Builders met for the first time in one of Wooded Glen Conference Center’s community areas. Over the next 24 hours, the Community Builders attended four Evergreen Leadership programming sessions, relaxed around a campfire, took time to reflect during free hours, ate Wooded Glen’s home-cooked meals, and participated in a team course.

“The physical team building exercises were really eye-opening and were when I felt closest to my retreat companions. I guess that’s what happens when you’re forced to be blindfolded and trust your group,” said Community Builder Jonah Crismore.


The retreat ended with the Community Builders using Evergreen Leadership’s Creative Tension Worksheet to plan an idea. They then shared resources or information they needed in order to make their idea happen. If another Community Builder could assist them, he or she offered to.

“The most helpful aspect of the retreat was the group sharing time with ‘asks’ of the group encouraged. I think that really facilitated tangible responses from the group,” said Fuller.

CB4Evergreen Leadership’s founder, Kris Taylor, created the retreat as a way to bring leaders across the state together. From the first night, she felt the excitement of the weekend.

“The retreat was all I hoped for and more. The award winners connected and in those connections came support, encouragement and shared wisdom. And they had the time and space to relax, recharge and then go back to their communities re-energized and refocused,” said Taylor.

Wooded Glen Conference Center helped to host and sponsor the event. They are already working with Evergreen Leadership to plan next summer’s Community Builders retreat.

By Katie Workman,
Assistant to Kris TaylorSave












Evergreen Leadership