
The Basic Principles of Leadership

Long ago, in a factory in a mid-west town, a young woman was chosen to lead. This factory was filled with large and heavy equipment, hummed with activity both day and night and was filled with craftsmen skilled at their trade.

And among those that ran the plant were some wise ones. Ones that knew that those who were moving into supervisor roles needed education, support and guidance.

And so it was, that for week after week, this new leader went off to class where she learned how to have performance discussions, how to resolve problems and how to find ways to improve situations.

Yet the biggest lesson, by far, was that there were some guiding principles to leading that she could apply, no matter the situation. In fact, they were called the basic principles, and each and every lesson was grounded in approaching all situations with them.

The basic principles were not many, but they framed how to lead well.


And so the young woman leaned and absorbed and applied; just as did the many others who were by her side. And she took these basic principles with her, wherever she went, well beyond that specific job, that factory, that setting. And they served her well.

As you’ve guessed, I was that young woman. And I was the long term beneficiary of learning these basic principles, thanks to the Zenger Miller Front Line Leadership program we used. I realize now, many years later, how ingrained they are in how I approach work, leadership and the world.

I also realize that they bear repeating, sharing and refreshing. So today, I take a moment to reflect on my personal leadership and ask myself how well I am living up to the basic principles. I ask myself what more can I do. And I challenge myself to stay true to them, no matter how trying the situations I find myself in.

I’m curious – what basic principles guide your leadership? Please share – we’ll all be the better for them.


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5 Responses

  1. Zenger Miller principles were core to the work I was involved with years ago….thanks for the reminder….as they are now so engrained I don’t think about ZM impact.

    The one I add to this list is “Lead by listening” It’s really built into the other principles listed but I always like a separate reminder for it.

  2. Kris, Thanks for sharing these again. I haven’t seen them in a while, but I do recognize them in the way I lead. They were impactful as I was forming my leadership style. When I reflect on my best and worst managers I can see where these were leveraged or violated.

  3. I know first hand what a difference Zenger-Miller’s teachings made in my life, and management and peers at a previous employer. I’ve used and try to live the basic principles of leadership.

  4. How can you use The Basic Principles from Zenger Miller without giving them specific credit?

    1. Beverly,
      If you read further into the post, you’ll see I do credit them! Thanks for reading!

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Evergreen Leadership