
Fueling Your Fire

I believe each of us has something that sparks us. It may be our work, or our family, or social justice, or the environment, or any one of a thousand things. I also believe that it is far too easy in our hyper-paced world to let that spark turn into a raging fire that consumes us. Work demands are high, needs are everywhere, we are connected 24/7, and being busy and feeling overwhelmed is the predominant mode.

A red hot flame counter-balanced by cool blue one.This image speaks to me as a powerful metaphor for how to fuel your fire and find the space between burnout and lethargy. The red hot flame is counter balanced by cool blue.  It is the yin and yang of fire and water. Of reaching outward and going within.

In grade school we learned the three elements needed for combustion: a fuel source, oxygen, and a spark of heat.

I think the same conditions apply to our inner fires: we need something that we are passionate about to spark us. But we also need to be diligent to avoid being consumed by it. We too need oxygen. We too need fuel. Too much heat and you burn out. Too little oxygen and you sputter out. Too little fuel and the fire withers away.

Remember that you can’t continue to just burn out of control.

  • Fires need heat – so find that thing that sparks the flame within you
  • Fires need oxygen – so breathe
  • Fires need fuel – so eat well and take care of your body and soul

I hope that each of us finds something that sparks us – and that we each find ways to sustain that inner fire. The world needs you to do that, now more than ever.


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Evergreen Leadership