Kris Taylor is the founder of Evergreen Leadership and author of The Leader’s Guide to Turbulent Times: a practical, easy-to-use guide to leading in today’s times. She writes, speaks, teaches and coaches leaders at all levels, from the C-suite to high potential emerging leaders. Kris weaves together her depth of experience in organizations, change, and leadership to create high impact learning programs where leaders emerge with deep insights about their own personal leadership and new skills in creating and implementing positive change in their organizations. Her work is based on working with companies across the globe to successfully implement large scale, mission critical change initiatives.
Her 30+ years work experience are rich in variety – from Fortune 200 (14 years) to non-profit (10 years) to leading her own consulting firm since 2004. Kris has been blessed to work in a multitude of roles, including organizational change and development, leadership, learning, and human resources, and operations. There has been one consistent outcome, no matter the role: her ability to promote, lead and implement positive change.
Her most recent endeavor, Evergreen Leadership, is the culmination of her personal experiences and thought leadership in leadership and organizational agility. It is based on her strong belief that the world is in desperate need of leaders at all levels who are effective in times of uncertainty and unrelenting change. The combination of her focus on results and depth in adult learning and change enables her leadership development work, in any form, to be high impact, sustainable and focused on results that matter.
Over 50 organizations have partnered with Kris and her firm in the last seven years to implement successful change. These include mergers, ERP implementations, business process redesign and cultural shifts to support a change in strategic direction. This work has spanned industries including health care, utility and energy organizations, professional service firms, higher education, manufacturing, and supply chain organizations.
Kris holds a Master’s Degree from Krannert Business School at Purdue University. She is on the faculty of the Purdue Entrepreneurship program and currently teaches two capstone courses there.