Evergreen Leadership Blog


Ten Things Accountable People Abhor

I’m not sure how we came to the point where demanding accountability is equated to finding a scapegoat, placing blame, and demanding retribution. The cry for “someone to be held accountable” is code for finding someone to fire or dismiss so that business can go on usual. It has very little to do with what I would define as true accountability.

It’s very easy to spot someone with a high degree of personal accountability by what they do and don’t do…

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Step 1: Think. Step 2: See Step 1.

I was intrigued, and then, dismayed after a pit stop in a chain gas station on a trip to North Carolina. Attached to the inside of the door of the women’s restroom was a large, laminated poster – proudly outlining the 12 steps for cleaning said restroom. At first glance, I was thrilled that the establishment took this so seriously, as I really like clean public restrooms. However, a deeper look, gave me a touch of disbelief first and then a reminder of my despair about our education system.

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Let it Soak

I’m an expert at doing dishes – thanks to growing up in a family that ate three square meals a day (home cooked of course), that thought the kitchen work belonged to women, and who did not own a dishwasher until long after I had left home. And so, doing the dishes was my chore. Lots and lots of them.

My approach to the dishes is not much different to the challenging work we face as adults. There are many times we do need to let things soak. To give them a bit more time, more reflection, and to avoid doing something rash or premature. And when we do that, we often find that, just like with the pots, that time in the right environment, has performed magic. What would have taken much effort can now be done quickly and easily.

There are other times that “letting it soak” is a mere excuse for avoiding something, for deferring the work that must be done. Getting to “it” in a day or two turns into weeks, then months and sometimes a lifetime. Waiting for the additional data or money or courage or information stalls us unnecessarily and becomes our rationalized excuse for not taking action.

So how do you discern if “letting it soak” is a good strategy or merely an avoidance mechanism? You might ask yourself these two questions…

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Sticky Floor or Glass Ceiling?

I love images that paint a compelling picture. And so when a speaker on gender in the workplace talked about women and leadership, and explored the underlying reason for the disproportionate number of women in high leadership positions as a combination of both glass ceiling and a sticky floor, it resonated.

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Traits are Assigned a Gender – Leadership is No Different

Female leaders who command are called names I can’t print. Men who emote are seen as weak and ineffectual. Which brings us to the classic question: Are gender differences genetic or learned? Nature or nurture? Hardwired or socially scripted? Scientists have struggled with this question for centuries. I don’t have the answer, but I do have some observations based on the statistical concept I call the “tyranny of the tails” that may provide some insight.

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