Evergreen Leadership Blog


Demonstrating a Commitment to Inclusion

It is clear that organizations that can create workplaces where all talent can bring forth their best, will be the best situated for success. However, I must admit that the work is long and hard – and progress is slow. But it is too important to waiver. So, I’d love to hear. What is your organization doing to tap into the potential that diversity and inclusion bring?

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Why is Caring the Exception?

Gallop just released the results of a study with Purdue, measuring the degree to which graduates have “great jobs,” through successful and engaging careers, and are leading “great lives,” by thriving in their overall well-being. They distilled their findings into six key college experiences that contributed greatly to well-being. Yet few college graduates that Gallup studied achieve the winning combination. What were the six key college experiences, and what can we do to help them achieve them more often?

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Learned Incompetence

How many times are good intentions for support and help internalized by the recipient as proof of personal inability? How often is it easier to rely on someone else for something well within our grasp? How can we enable rather than disable those we seek to help? Where in my life am I relying on someone else’s help rather than stretching and becoming independent?

I don’t have many answers – but am struck that these are questions our schools, government and social services organizations would be well served to study and master. I’m interested – what do you think?

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Mentor or Coach?

Would you benefit from having a mentor or a coach? In today’s post we explore the differences and help you locate really effective mentors.

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