Mentor or Coach?
Would you benefit from having a mentor or a coach? In today’s post we explore the differences and help you locate really effective mentors.
Would you benefit from having a mentor or a coach? In today’s post we explore the differences and help you locate really effective mentors.
The morning after the big game, athletes serious about getting better review and rehash the action on the field. They learn what they need to adjust, what they need to practice more and what worked just fine. You can do the same with your team by holding debriefing sessions.
I would agree that the best things in life are free – love, joy, simplicity. Some of the best ways to acquire skills can also be low or no cost. In this post and the ones that follow we’ll look at high-impact skill development options that can be had for little or no cost.
Common vernacular sometimes leads us astray. Testing our assumptions may yield some surprising insights.
A change in my routine on Sunday morning provided an insight into leadership – and will change my advice to the leaders I work with.
We all have them – and they suck our energy, divert our focus and create clutter. Read more to find out what mine are.
Every semester in my Introduction to Entrepreneurship course, I share my top ten business books. The students are always surprised at my number one pick – and you may be too!
Those who know me know how much I love quotes – those profound, pithy, concise nuggets of wisdom and provocation. Today I share some with you that I also love that are done by 3rd graders, just for fun!
I had an interesting conversation with a student of mine a few days ago. He left frustrated. I left with a deeper insight about leadership.
I know that no matter how brilliant you are or how wonderful your work is, if you are not available you cannot contribute. Face it – just showing up matters.
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