
What You Can’t See

As a celebration to the amazing group of coaches in our practice, I am dedicating this month’s blog posts & newsletter to coaching. I’ve learned the value of coaching from personal experience – and am intentional about having coaches support me in my business and personal growth. I’ve seen the difference great coaching can make – in both personal and organizational performance.

I encourage you to subscribe to our blog & newsletter – and also to consider if one of our coaches might be just the thing you need to take your performance to the next level.


We all have blind spots about ourselves and our performance. There are things we can’t see, things that we are unaware of, and ways others see us that we are totally oblivious to. I believe this is true with even the most self aware individuals.

When my eyesight was poor as a child, a pair of glasses solved the problem. I can still remember the delight of seeing things clearly and crisply. I learned that trees had leaves and were not just big green lumps!

Coaching can be like that pair of glasses for your personal blind spots. As a coach, I have three tools in my bag that improve your ability to see yourself as others do. First of all, assessment tools help you understand yourself on a deeper level as well as providing a framework for others who are different than you. Our second tool is 360 feedback – gathered from bosses, peers, direct reports and clients (internal or external). This process ALWAYS provides great insights – sometimes surprising, sometimes rewarding and sometimes a bit painful. And finally, as a coach, I take advantage of opportunities to share with you what I see that you cannot. It may be an approach, a non-verbal, your tone of voice or your frame of mind – but my task is to surface those things that you can’t see. Because often those things that we can’t see trip us up.

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Evergreen Leadership